Solar panels may generate more energy with direct sunlight, but they can use indirect light to generate power. This means that solar panels will still generate electricity on cloudy days and at night. But that doesn’t mean solar customers go without power on bad weather days. Solar battery storage and net metering ensure consistent access to electricity.
How Do Solar Panels Work?
Solar panels convert sunlight to direct current (DC) electricity, most of which is inverted into alternating current (AC) to power electronics in the home. On exceptionally sunny days, excess power produced by solar systems can be sold back to the public utility power grid.
Net metering programs give solar system owners credit for the excess power they generate. They can use this to compensate when the system produces less energy during cloudy weather.
Do Solar Panels Work on Cloudy Days?
Clouds make solar panels work less efficiently. Panels under 0%-30% shade can produce 30%-40% less power.
Net metering laws help improve solar system stability and can help account for weather fluctuations, but may vary depending on the state. Many utility companies will also offer them to make solar more affordable.
This is where net metering comes in. These programs are designed to give solar system owners credit for the excess power they generate, which they can then draw on when their system is producing less energy due to cloudy weather. Net metering laws may vary depending on your state, and many utility companies will offer them either voluntarily or due to local legislation.
Solar Panels in Cloudy Climates
Some of the most popular regions for solar power are also some of the most overcast.
Mild temperatures help solar efficiency, as excess heat reduces solar system output. Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington are some of the most popular locations for solar installations.
Rain can help keep solar panels running efficiently by washing off dust and dirt. Dust accumulation on solar panels can reduce efficiency by up to 50%.
Do Solar Panels Work at Night?

Solar panels can produce small quantities of energy at night with direct moonlight. But most nighttime solar energy comes via battery backup systems or net metering credits.
Advances in Solar Technology
Even now, breakthroughs in solar energy are happening all the time. For instance, researchers are working on thermoradiative solar cells that would heat up and draw energy from the cold night sky.
Nighttime photovoltaic cells could potentially keep generating power continuously without needing to rely on solar batteries or power grids. Prototypes already produce 50 watts of electricity per square meter, which is about 25% of what traditional solar panels are able to generate during the day.
To improve solar efficiency on cloudy days, researchers are leveraging E. coli bacteria. The bacteria naturally converts sunlight into energy. To improve solar efficiency, the organic material is coated with metallic nanoparticles before introducing it into an energy-producing electrode. The project is still in its experimental phase but has the potential to compete with conventional solar panel systems.