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The Cattle Farm Can Generates Electricity? Livestock And Photovoltaics Collide To Enjoy New Energy Technologies Driving Economic Growth

Solar energy is one of the most easily popularized and promoted clean energy in the current renewable energy types, and photovoltaic power generation, as the main form of solar energy utilization, has played an important role in responding to global climate change, haze control, energy conservation and emission reduction, energy transformation and other work.

Photovoltaic agriculture is also called agricultural light, which is not limited to light volts, but also includes light heat. Photovoltaic agriculture is the solar power generation technology is widely used in modern agricultural planting, irrigation, pest control and agricultural machinery power supply and other fields of a new type of agriculture, mainly photovoltaic irrigation, photovoltaic greenhouses, photovoltaic farming, photovoltaic farms and other forms.

“Photovoltaic + agriculture” is an emerging form of agriculture, which not only solves the power supply problem required for water intake irrigation machinery power, avoids the photovoltaic industry and agricultural land contention, but also sells the extra electricity to the national grid.

At present, there are four main models of photovoltaic agriculture, namely photovoltaic planting, photovoltaic aquaculture, photovoltaic water conservancy, photovoltaic village, which is divided into mushroom photovoltaic, fish-light complementary, vegetables (melons and fruits) photovoltaic, livestock and poultry (animal husbandry) photovoltaic, forest light, medicinal materials photovoltaic, ecological photovoltaic, water conservancy photovoltaic, etc. Under the current wave of rapid development of photovoltaic industry, photovoltaic agriculture plays an important role and has broad prospects for development.

The photovoltaic cowshed is a model that combines photovoltaic and livestock farming, known as photovoltaic farming.

The roof generates electricity, and the cattle are raised in the shed. Relying on the advantages of animal husbandry, with the help of distributed photovoltaic power generation, explore the establishment of a new model of clean energy + beef cattle breeding development, and achieve a “double harvest” of ecological and economic benefits.

Because photovoltaic power generation is clean energy, it can effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions while generating electricity. The construction of photovoltaic cattle farms not only solves the problem of photovoltaic power plant land, but also saves funds for enclosure construction and increases power generation income. This not only solves the problem of electricity in remote areas, but also brings income to the village, realizes the mutual benefit of solar energy and agriculture, and provides a rural power for reducing carbon emissions.

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