Currently, the proportion of renewable energy is becoming higher and higher, and photovoltaic and energy storage contain enormous development opportunities.
Looking globally, the trend of energy transformation is very obvious. According to IRENA data, energy consumption is developing towards electrification; In electric energy, the proportion of renewable energy is increasingly high, and both photovoltaic and energy storage contain enormous development opportunities.
With the increasing number of distributed photovoltaic applications and increasingly complex application scenarios, the requirements for system security are increasingly high, including requirements for fire prevention, shutdown, and lightning protection. Due to the relatively fragmented nature of distributed photovoltaic systems, the difficulty of unified management and operation and maintenance continues to increase. In the future, it is necessary to rely on intelligent operation and maintenance methods.
Currently, the proportion of new energy power generation in the power system is becoming higher and higher, which also exposes the problems of volatility, indirection, and randomness in photovoltaic and wind energy. The controllability, flexibility, and supportability of energy storage systems precisely address these issues. There are also great development opportunities for the energy storage market in the future.
Distributed optical storage application scenarios include household photovoltaic, industrial and commercial photovoltaic, and user side energy storage scenarios. User side energy storage can be subdivided into household energy storage and industrial and commercial energy storage. Due to electricity prices, the domestic market for household energy storage applications is relatively small. In the future, as the proportion of household photovoltaic energy continues to increase, the dependence on household energy storage will also increase, and market opportunities will gradually emerge. Currently, the development of household energy storage market in developed regions in Europe, America, and Australia is relatively good.
In contrast, in the future, industrial and commercial energy storage will develop faster in China. Its profit channels are mainly in two aspects: one is to increase the spontaneous utilization rate of industrial and commercial photovoltaic energy by increasing energy storage. Electricity prices in areas such as Guangdong and Zhejiang are high, and value is increased by increasing energy storage. The other is that with the reform and adjustment of electricity prices, the model of “two charging and two discharging” has been realized, and this economic model is gradually emerging.
With the widespread application of photovoltaic energy storage in the future, families can create a “zero carbon family” through new energy transformation, using their light storage and charging as zero carbon management. Comprehensive and intelligent management can be carried out for optical storage, charging, and power distribution in the park, ultimately achieving a zero carbon park. In the next step, the market for optical storage, charging, and power distribution management will gradually rise.