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25 years later, food, clothing, housing and transportation are inseparable from solar energy

Li Yi, General Manager of Shenzhen Chuangyi Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd., believes that the solar energy industry will bring great development to Shenzhen

On a hot summer afternoon, I drove a solar powered car, got off and walked through the sunlit parking lot wearing clothes cooled by solar power generation, came to the “zero energy” office building, opened the solar power supply system and began paperless office work… This is the prediction of Li Yi, the general manager of Shenzhen Chuangyi Taiyang Technology Co., Ltd., on the application of solar energy in Shenzhen 25 years later, He believes that in 25 years, “solar energy” will bear more than 20% of Shenzhen’s electricity consumption.

The increasingly prominent power shortage, as well as the atmospheric pollution, acid rain and climate warming hovering like ghosts, have prompted people to pay more attention to the potential and pollution-free renewable energy solar energy. In recent years, power consumption in Shenzhen has been high, and many enterprises are facing intermittent downtime due to lack of power. The average sunshine time in Shenzhen is more than ten hours a day, and the solar energy resources are very rich, which can fully use solar energy to solve the problem of power shortage. With the continuous development of the solar energy industry in Shenzhen in recent years, many scientific and technological enterprises in the solar energy industry have gathered. In 25 years, the solar energy industry, like the current IT high-tech industry, will bring great development to Shenzhen.

Photovoltaic power generation will be popularized in Shenzhen

“25 years later, Shenzhen may be able to realize large-scale photovoltaic power generation. At that time, countless photovoltaic power generation networks distributed in cities continuously input power to the urban power grid. A large number of solar energy can not only meet the power demand of residents, but also provide power to enterprises.” Li Yi said.

Li Yi said that coal, oil, natural gas… these fossil energies, which have been accumulated for hundreds of millions of years, have been irreversibly depleted after hundreds of years of huge consumption. The peak of global fossil fuel production and consumption will occur between 2030 and 2040. This means that before this, mankind must find new alternative energy sources. However, solar energy is superior to other renewable energy sources in terms of the quantity and distribution of resources, as well as the cleanliness and reliability of technology.

At present, Germany, Japan and other countries have formulated photovoltaic roof plans. The government encourages various buildings to install photovoltaic power generation systems through subsidies and electricity price policies. Li Yi introduced that in Germany, as long as you call the power company, they can send someone to install the solar power generation system (residents bear the installation cost). The power generated by the system will be recycled to the urban power grid by the power company at twice the market price, and residents will buy through the urban power grid if they want to use power. Japan has subsidized the purchase of solar power generation systems to encourage residents to use roof photovoltaic power generation. While ensuring their own electricity use, residents can sell electricity to power companies through the grid. Therefore, many Japanese also invest in “roof photovoltaic power generation”.

Li Yi believes that 25 years later, Shenzhen will not only have photovoltaic power generation equipment installed on the roof of each building, but also have film solar power generation systems attached to the curtain walls of each building. As long as there is sunshine every day, the power generated by countless photovoltaic power generation networks in the city will be continuously fed into the urban power grid. At that time, Shenzhen will no longer have power shortage in hot weather.

“Zero energy” communities will emerge

Li Yi believes that some “zero energy” demonstration communities have emerged in some foreign regions, and 25 years later, such “zero energy” communities will also emerge in Shenzhen. He said: “25 years later, there may be many” zero energy “communities in Shenzhen, and communities can maintain normal office and life through the extensive application of solar energy.”

Beddington “zero energy” community in the UK is the largest environment-friendly ecological community in the UK. Since residents moved in in 2002, it has become world-renowned and internationally recognized as the most important example of sustainable energy building and living. Li Yi said that the community can achieve “zero energy”, which is inseparable from its architectural design and the extensive use of solar energy building materials.

Li Yi said that green architecture is the trend of architectural development, and it will also be the mainstream of architecture in the 21st century. Green building has its rich connotation. Although the evaluation standards of various countries are different, the reasonable and efficient use of clean energy, especially solar energy, is an important part of green building. He believes that photovoltaic power generation, which represents the most cutting-edge, advanced and potential solar energy applications, will be the leading role of green buildings.

“In the ‘zero energy’ community, the exterior wall and roof of the house form a super insulating jacket, and then the transparent solar panels are installed on it, so that the solar energy can be converted into electrical energy. The electrical energy formed can meet the daily life and office needs of the community within a day, and the surplus can also be supplied to the national grid. At that time, there will be no ‘British blackout’, all buildings will be paralyzed, and residents will have a situation where they cannot return home as long as there is sunshine , solar energy can provide a steady stream of electricity. ” Li Yi said.

Solar energy application in every aspect of life

“After 25 years, people’s food, clothing, housing and transportation may be helped by solar energy. The application of solar energy will appear in every aspect of life.” Li Yi introduced.

Li Yi said that Germany has now developed synthetic fibers that can generate electricity in the sun. As long as the fibers that can generate electricity are woven into washable fabrics, people can make clothes and wear them on their bodies. Then they can add “hydrogen” to micro fuel cells by installing plugs at appropriate positions on the clothes. After 25 years, just don’t stay in a dark room all the time. Wearing this kind of clothes can provide all the power needed for your mobile phone, walkman or PDA. At the same time, clothes can also be equipped with refrigeration devices. Solar energy can provide power, and a layer of cool wind may form inside the clothes. Even in hot weather, the body can always be at a suitable temperature.

25 years later, the traffic lights, street lamps, billboard light boxes, etc. on the streets of Shenzhen can be powered by solar energy, and cars coming and going on the road can also be driven by solar energy. Li Yi said that some foreign high-end cars are now equipped with solar cells on their roofs. These devices can convert solar energy into electricity, but it is still difficult to achieve commercial applications of cars with solar energy as the driving power. 25 years later, with the continuous progress of technology, solar power generation can be used to decompose hydrogen from water, and then the hydrogen can be liquefied and used as the fuel for cars.

Shenzhen is expected to become a research and development base of solar energy industry

China’s economic development has increasingly highlighted the urgent need for energy. Energy shortage, environmental protection and other factors make it possible to develop green resources such as solar energy.

The latest statistics show that China’s solar thermal application area has accounted for 76% of the world’s total, which is four times more than that of the entire European and American regions. This year, the Renewable Energy Law of the People’s Republic of China was officially promulgated, and the solar energy industry ushered in the spring of development. China is expected to enter the solar energy era rapidly.

Li Yi said: “At present, the solar energy industry in China is at the stage of development. Shenzhen is the fastest growing city in China and a gathering place of Chinese high-tech enterprises. Now Shenzhen has gathered many solar energy high-tech enterprises, and 25 years later, Shenzhen is fully capable of becoming a world-class solar energy industry research and development base. At that time, there were not only some IT high-tech enterprises such as Huawei and ZTE, but also some high-tech enterprises focusing on solar energy development Enterprise. “

Main utilization methods of solar energy——

Rapid development of photovoltaic power generation

New energy is one of the five most decisive technological fields in the world economic development in the 21st century. Solar energy is a clean, efficient and never depleted new energy. In recent years, governments of all countries have taken the utilization of solar energy resources as an important part of national sustainable development strategies. PV power generation has the advantages of safety, reliability, no noise, no pollution, less restriction, low failure rate, simple maintenance, etc., and has become the main utilization mode of solar energy.

In recent years, international photovoltaic power generation has developed rapidly. In 1973, the United States formulated a government level solar power generation plan; In 1980, photovoltaic power generation was officially included in the public power planning, with a cumulative investment of more than 800 million dollars; In the fiscal budget of 1994, the budget for photovoltaic power generation reached more than 78 million US dollars, an increase of 23.4% over 1993; In 1997, the United States and Europe successively announced the “One Million Roof Photovoltaic Project”, and the United States planned to install 1000~3000MW solar cells by 2010. Japan did not want to lag behind. In 1997, the subsidy for the “roof photovoltaic program” was up to 92 million dollars, and the installation target was 7600 MW. The application of solar photovoltaic power generation in China began in the 1970s, and the real development began in the 1980s. In a few short years from 1983 to 1987, seven solar cell production lines were successively introduced from the United States, Canada and other countries, making China’s solar cell production capacity jump from 200 kilowatts before 1984 to 4.5 megawatts in 1988. Since 2002, China’s photovoltaic industry has developed rapidly. Several packaging lines of solar cells have been built in China, making the annual production of solar cell modules rapidly reach 100 MW. China’s photovoltaic industry has maintained rapid development in 2003 and 2004, and the solar packaging industry has become one of the top five in the world.

However, due to the large one-time investment in solar photovoltaic power generation and the long time to recover the cost, photovoltaic power generation is mainly used in communication systems and remote and remote areas without power, such as remote counties, villages and islands. The use of solar energy in China is only at an early stage. It is understood that only 3% of households in Shenzhen use solar energy. By the end of 2004, the total area of solar water heater panels installed in Shenzhen had reached 150000 square meters. If the heat received is converted, it means that Shenzhen can generate 110 million kilowatt hours of electricity or 11.85 million cubic meters of natural gas in one year. If we calculate it at 0.8 yuan per kilowatt hour, Shenzhen will save 88 million yuan in one year.

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